
Product Attributes are features that will be compared side by side by the customer when deciding on which item to choose using Product Comparison.

The attributes section lets you edit the attributes compared between products in “Product Comparison”. When viewing products in the store front, customers have the option to add products to “Add to Compare” to analyze the similarities and differences between products in the store. Attributes can be used to describe the size, weight, color, and any other specifications of the product that have potential for comparison.

  1. Click Store  then Attributes then Attribute Groups and click the + Insert button to add a new attribute group.
  2. This form only requires an attribute group name in “Attribute Group Name”. Adding the “Sort Order” is optional. Adding a sort order will affect the arrangement order of attributes under Product Comparison. The attribute groups created here can have individual attributes added to them later.

  1. Click Store > Attributes > Attributes and click + Insert button to add new attribute
  2. Define Attribute Name. Select Attribute Group we have just created from the drop-down menu and define Sort Order.

Now that we have the attributes created, we need to edit the individual products to contain these attributes..

  1. To link attributes to the product navigate to Store > Products and select the product you would like to add attributes for
  2. Click Edit link to edit the product and select Attribute tab
  3. Click Add Attribute button, then begin typing the name in the Attribute box. A drop-down list will appear for you to select the correct Attribute Name.
  4. Type all the possible choices for this product in Text box.
  5. Repeat the above steps for each attribute.
  6. Click Save button to save the changes.

Your customers can now make a more informed decision with their purchase by comparing the attributes in Product Comparisons. Understanding how to use attribute groups and attributes with products can help raise the level of customer satisfaction.