Australia Post

For store owners located in Australia, Create A Shoppe Advanced is compatible with Australia Post. This article will explain how to set up your store for Australia Post shipping calculations.


  1. Go to Extensions>Shipping
  2. Locate Australia Post and click install and then edit. (If it is already installed click Edit)
  3. Enter your Post Code
  4. Choose to enable or disable Standard Postage & Express Postage
  5. Choose if you would like to display a delivery time (e.g. Ships within 3 to 5 days)
  6. Enter Grams for Weight Class
  7. Select a Tax class if applicable. (if your prices include tax you can skip this step)
  8. Select a Geo Zone if this shipping method will only apply to specific zones otherwise set to All Zones
  9. Select Enabled
  10. Enter a number for Sort Order if you’d like this shipping option to appear before or after others or leave blank.
  11. Save your changes

Australia Post