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How to Get Funding for Your E-Commerce Business

E-commerce business is one of the most lucrative options available in today’s market, with technology providing access to consumers like nothing before. But how do you fund your e-commerce business? That is a more complicated issue. Here are a few sources of funding that can help you get off the ground and sail into the profits you need to succeed.


A good chunk of your funding should come from your own savings. This may feel like a big sacrifice, but remember that this is an investment that you are making in yourself! Your business needs money to make money, so anything you put into it you will get back in the payout. Bankrate recommends you build up your personal capital with a varied portfolio that can stream passive income as much as possible, allowing you to put funding where you need it for long-term return. Self-funding is also beneficial in that it puts only yourself at risk; when you partner with or rely on others for funding, any failures may require you to pay off even more money than their initial investment was worth to you.

Apply for a Loan

Take advantage of available government aid to help you get your business rolling! Small business loans granted by the U.S. Small Business Administration are also known as “SBA loans.” These loans are strict on lending standards, but are relatively easy to negotiate terms on and come with low interest rates that are attractive for business owners. Furthermore, Franchise Gator says that SBA loans are backed by the government and you can qualify even if you have bad credit. You can apply for an SBA loan through a credit union or bank. Explore the options for loan programs that are available for various purposes, and see what options match your needs.


Get help from your customers! Your business offers them a product or service that is valuable enough for their interest and investment. According to Deliverr, crowdfunding involves incentivizing that investment with small rewards now, so that your flourishing business can benefit them even greater, later. Whether you use this funding for manufacturing products, marketing, increasing supply or reach, the results will benefit those customers significantly which should create a substantial draw. Consider targeting a specific audience within your customer pool with incentives, offering insider deals on future products, expedition of products with customer investment, or implementing a rewards program through which investors receive consistent benefits.

Funding your business is only a matter of preparing yourself and connecting with the right sources. Get your business going with these reliable strategies for increasing your funding opportunities.

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