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Business Expenses New Entrepreneurs Forget About

Everyone knows that businesses come with expenses, but sometimes new entrepreneurs can forget about some of those expenses while they are in the planning stages. The more you know about potential business expenses, the easier it will be for you to plan effectively and work towards a strong future for your business. Some of the most commonly forgotten business expenses are listed below.

Designing a Website

Some small business owners forget about the expense of designing a website or plan to simply throw one together themselves. If you don’t have any design experience, it is not in your best interests to try to design your website yourself. The main reason for this is that your website will be the first thing potential customers see of your business, and you want to make a good impression. Having solid web design is a great way to make sure that your impression is as positive as possible. Make sure to budget for the expense of web design as you start building your business so you can have a website that looks great and is easy for your potential customers to use.


No one likes to think about taxes, but when you are a small business owner, you must keep your taxes in mind before you even start your business. Every business is required to pay taxes on their profits, and not doing so can get you in a lot of hot water. Some new business owners don’t realize that they are required to pay taxes quarterly depending on their earnings, which is another potential problem with big consequences. Learning what you can about taxes early and budgeting appropriately will save you money and stress when tax season does finally come around.

Legal Costs

Starting a business is also accompanied by legal costs that business owners need to keep in mind as they get things started. Running your business illegally because you neglected to plan for legal costs is a bad idea and can get your business into a lot of trouble very early on. While there are always legal costs for small businesses, you have some control over how expensive it will be. Some business owners opt to pay a lawyer to help them with the legal side of their business while others go for a do-it-yourself method that is less experience though often more time-intensive. Whichever way you decide to go, make sure to plan accordingly so your budget can cover the costs.

Office Space

Running a business generally depends on having some kind of office space. For some small businesses, this looks like commercial property while for others their business is run entirely out of their home. Either way, there are office space expenses that you need to keep in mind. One office cost that is often forgotten is the cost of heating and cooling your office space. If you have high utility bills, an HVAC inspection can discover inefficiencies. If you are running your business from home you may not anticipate the increased electricity costs you may incur, so it is important to consider those costs as you start your business.

Advertising Costs

While advertising is an important part of any business, it is also something that business owners tend to forget about and sometimes even think they won’t need. Even if you have the best products in the world, you still need to find a way to introduce people to those products. This is where advertising comes in. It is the tool that helps you to connect your awesome products with the people who need them. Thinking about your advertising budget upfront will help you to make decisions about how and where you will advertise your products and what your advertising strategy will look like.

Office Supplies

For many business owners, office supplies like paper and pens seem inconsequential, but over time those small costs can add up. Making sure that you budget for the small but consistent costs that your business will incur will help you to have a more solid grasp of how your budget will work. Think about the kinds of supplies you and your employees will use regularly so you can determine how many you will need and how often you may need to purchase them. The more you think about even these small costs, the better of a position both your business and your budget will be in.

Travel expenses

For many small businesses, travel is an expense that comes up unexpectedly and that they are unprepared for. So, even if you don’t know whether you will travel for your business, it is worthwhile to budget for it just in case. You may find yourself traveling to meet new clients or suppliers or even to attend educational experiences and conferences that will help you to hone your skills. Having the money set aside for these kinds of expenses early will help you to be prepared if an unexpected opportunity presents itself.

Training Costs

Training costs are another of the expenses that are often forgotten by new business owners. They generally think about hiring employees and paying them for their work but neglect to think about the training they will need to provide before that work can be done. Consider training costs early and think about how much time it will reasonably take to train each employee. Remember that to get them trained, you will need to come up with training materials and spend the time to give them that training. You also need to remember that you will need to pay these employees for the time they spend in training. All of those training costs can add up so it is worthwhile to be prepared.

Managing business expenses can be a complicated part of business ownership, but it is also very doable. By thinking about your budget and costs in advance, you can make sure that you have the finances you need to run your business. Every business owner has a greater chance of success if they know what their business entails.

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