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What You Need to Think About When Starting an Online Business

In today’s digital age, starting your own online business is easier than ever. With the opportunity to reach a vast audience across a space that is ever more expansive, it’s easy to see the endless potential that ecommerce can offer. Of course, expecting immediate success without putting forth any work would be foolish at best. There are plenty of things you’ll need to think about and have a plan for as you get started.

Setting Up Your Storefront

If you’re going to have an online business, it’s only natural to have an online storefront. Like a brick and mortar storefront, an online storefront provides you with a platform from which you can sell your products. Because of the online nature of your business, however, there are differences in the approach you would take to the same concepts. A business with a physical location should take care to keep itself clean, organized, and well-maintained. For an online business, a similar degree of care should be taken when planning your web design so that your storefront is attractive and organized in a manner that makes sense.

Forming a Marketing Plan

Because your business is online, you don’t have the luxury of taking advantage of consumers who happen to be passing by and find themselves wandering into your location out of curiosity. A proactive approach to marketing will be an absolute must. To that end, you’ll need to take the time to form a solid marketing plan that you can use to get the word out about your business. It’s pretty normal for businesses today to advertise on social media to increase awareness and build a following. If you choose to do that, make sure you research what platforms will be most effective at reaching the audience you’re trying to target.

Storing Customer Data

Customers aren’t the only ones who value convenience. The more efficient and convenient you can make processes within your business, the more quickly you’ll be able to accomplish different tasks. This often leads online businesses to store customer data. Names, contact information, and even payment information are just a few examples of types of customer data that you might consider storing to make things more streamlined in the future. Names and contact information can be especially helpful to you, as they provide you with an easy way to reach out to your customers with new marketing promotions and encourage them to make purchases again in the future.


Of course, if you’re going to be storing customer data, you’re going to also have to have a solid cybersecurity system worked out. A business whose security becomes compromised due to a hacker, malware, or virus can take a huge hit to their reputation, even to the point where they go out of business. To that end, having a tight cybersecurity defense plan and executing it properly is going to be crucial. This isn’t a job to be left to a rookie either. You need IT experts who are going to get the job done right. That may mean outsourcing your IT is your best bet. Outsourcing IT has benefits for helping your company grow. You may find this option to be more cost effective and will have the benefit of knowing that your system is in the hands of experts.

User Experience

Have you ever visited a site that just makes your eyes hurt because the person who designed and developed it chose the wrong color combination? Or maybe the fonts they chose aren’t very readable. Maybe they even combined horizontal and vertical scrolling, making navigating the page way more difficult than it needed to be. Did you stay on that site for very long? Probably not. That just goes to show how important the experience visitors to your site have on how successfully your online business can be. Make sure your site is easy to navigate and pleasant to interact with. If you ever wonder, have people beta test it for you. Use the feedback they give you to make improvements as needed.

Inventory Management

Brick and mortar stores have the benefit of having inventory on hand that can be selected and purchased on site by customers, and often places for excess inventory to be stored to make restocking easy. Online businesses don’t have that luxury. As such, you’ll need to have a plan for how you intend to manage your inventory. Depending on your business, you do have the option of storing your inventory in your home. That has the potential to get out of hand pretty quickly though. Consider the pros and cons of dropshipping to see if that’s a viable option for your business.


If you don’t already know how important online visibility is to the success of your business, that’s something you’ll learn very quickly. Consider the sheer number of Google searches that take place every single day. Some of those searches could lead consumers to your business, giving you the opportunity to convert them into paying customers. So how do you get seen on search engines? The answer is search engine optimization (SEO). SEO strategies include things like how you use keywords, building backlinks, increasing your authority, and optimizing your website for mobile phones and voice search.


Depending on how you’ve chosen to manage your inventory, you’ll also have to decide how you intend to get your products to your customers. If you’ve chosen to dropship your inventory, a lot of the work is taken care of for you. If you’ve opted to use a different method, you’ll need to make a few other decisions, including what carriers you want to ship with, the cost of shipping, and how quickly you intend to ship things to your customers. Consider offering your customers a few different options in terms of their shipping so they can make the choice that works best for them. Avoid giving them too many choices, however. Too many options could create more headaches for you than necessary.

Getting your own online business started can be an exciting time. There’s a lot to manage though, so having a solid, clearly defined plan is going to be crucial to your success. Make sure you take the time to create a solid business plan to lay a good foundation for your business and invest in making it as good as possible for your customers. While your business isn’t likely to be an overnight success, you should see some payoff for your efforts over time.

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